The Library of the Natural Sciences Museum

Address: Bd. Independenţei nr.16, 700098, Iaşi, România

The Natural Sciences Museum Librarys' collections have been taken over by The Biology Library branch.

The access in this library is based on the CUL Entrance Card valid in the headquarters and in all the branch libraries.
The library has a reading room with 40 seats.

The library was officially opened in 1834, once with the inauguration of the Museum, being the oldest public library in Iaşi.


The total fund (January 2014): 7.640 bibliographic units (books and periodicals)
Number of entries in the database (September 2014): 191 entries

Specialized periodicals:

  • Animalia Periodica del Dipartamente di Biologia Animale- Universita di Catania, Italia
  • Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museum,Wien
  • Archives des Sciences, Geneve
  • Atti della Societa Italiana e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milano
  • Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Trieste
  • Betrage zur Entomofaunistik, Wien
  • Berichte Stataliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart
  • Bollettino della Universita di Bologna
  • Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venzia
  • Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona
  • Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle et des Amis du museum d'Autun France
  • Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences de Nancy, France
  • Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History , New York
  • Cataloghi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Trieste
  • Ciencia Biologica Cumbria, Portugalia
  • Entomologische Abhandlungen Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden
  • Explorer The Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland
  • Geografiki Zbornik, Acta Geographica Ljubljana
  • Kirtlandia, Invetebrate Paleontology Museum of Cleveland
  • Kosmos, Das Magazin fur die Nature, Stuttgart
  • Letopis Slovenske Academije Ljubljana
  • Milu, Mitteilungen aus dem Tierpark Berlin
  • Prehistoriche Ariegoise, Bulletin d ela Societe Prehistorique Ariege, Toulouse
  • Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
  • Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, Stuttgart
  • Zoologische Abhandlungen, Statliches Museum fur Tierkunde, Dresden
  • Zoosystemia, Paris

The collections of the library include also some rare old books such as:

  • Histiore Naturelle Generale,Compte de Buffan ,1785
  • Histoire Naturelle, G. Delafasse, 1872
  • Petit Atlas d'Anatomie Descriptive, N. J. Masse, 1873
  • Vie curieuse des Betes, H. Coupin, 1906
  • Fauna Germanica, G.Ritter, 1908
  • La Vie des Insectes, H.J. Fabre, 1919
  • Precis d'Histoire Naturelle, A. Pizon, 1927
  • Histologie Generala, Ch. Champy, vol. 1-2,1928
  • Zugvogel und Vogelzug, L.Frederich, 1929
  • Les Grands Animaux Sauvages, F. Millet, 1930

Some Romanian books:

  • Catalogul Sistematic al Faunei Ornitologice Romanesti, D. Lintia,1944
  • Fauna R. P. R., A. Grossu, 1955
  • Darwin si teoria sa despre evolutia vietuitoarelor, N.Botnariuc, 1959
  • Cum a aparut viata pe pamint, P. Raicu, 1959
  • Animalele de apa dulce şi răspindirea lor, G. Vasiliu,1960

The Catalogue: a traditional alphabetical paper catalogue.

The services

  • The consultation of the collection's documents in the reading room;
  • Specialized bibliographic information;
